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Thank you for considering EmployMee job board for assistance with filling your role with the right person to join your team.
EmployMee has been developed to support and service the needs of those businesses that are struggling to find the right "matched" staff.
Our Members come from a diverse background and with a wonderful range of skill sets that are aimed at helping you find the right person for the role.
Our Matchmaking service is aimed at connecting business like yours with suitable candidates all eager to work and be a part of your team.
Should you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us by email and one of our team will be happy to assist you further.
Ver 3.18 (Last Updated Feb 2022)
Add Images or Video of your Business to enhance your Listing.
A picture is worth a thousand words .... (maximum of 5)
The Standard Listing is free!
We provide a range of services to support your listing. Some of these extra features do require a small payment. We will forward an invoice to your registered email address where the Extra Features are requested to be added to your listing.
The team at Halal Food are grateful for your support in listing an Opportunity to Work with your company
While we provide the EmployMee Feature as a free service to support Businesses looking for staff and to support Members looking for work it is important to understand our Privacy Rules, Data Rules and Terms of Use. This information is viewed at this link. Once you have viewed and accepted these conditions submit your Role
We are sorry but there was a problem uploading the Opportunity.
If this issue continues kindly contact us and we will be happy to assist you further.
Thank You for listing this opportunity with us.
One of the team will review the information before activating the feature.
Once activated Members will see the listing in the EmployMee Board and can contact you directly.